Press Release


Good Morning Wilton

“Selectwoman Kim Healy Announces Run for State Representative in CT’s 42nd District”

New Canaan Sentinel

“Community Leader Kim Healy Launches Campaign for State Representative in the 42nd District”


“Kim Healy Garners Cross-Endorsement From Independent Party”


Good Morning Wilton

“Healy Says “One Size Fits All” Proposed Legislation will Hurt Students, Impinge Local Autonomy and Cost Taxpayers”

CT Examiner

“Cost of Reading Mandate Could Top $100 Million in 2024-5”

Letters of Support

The Wilton Bulletin

Education is the cornerstone of a better tomorrow.

Now more than ever we must elect leaders that focus on education and all its facets that impact a child’s journey from pre-school through secondary school. Prioritizing safety, sound foundational skills, enhanced competencies, access to resources, literacy advancement, retainment of local educational decision-making, and parent voices being heard in state policy decisions are critical for a better tomorrow. The 42nd State Representative District has the opportunity this November to vote for a proven leader that makes education and accountability a priority in all that she does. Kim Healy is that leader. Her unwavering dedication and stewardship at a local and state level are undeniable with her meaningful contributions and demonstrated success as a selectwoman and a member of the CT State Reading Leadership Implementation Council. Please join me in voting for Kim Healy on Nov. 5.

Christian Bilella

Good Morning Wilton

Wouldn’t it be great if there was someone who was level-headed, compassionate, and intelligent, with a demonstrated passion for Wilton, who wanted to be our representative in Hartford (for our 42nd house district)? How about having someone knowledgeable about our town government (as a current member of the Board of Selectmen) who could use this experience to better support Wilton at the state level? Wouldn’t it be great to have somebody more at ease identifying herself as a Wiltonian rather than as a member of a political party, someone who has garnered the endorsement of the Independent Party, serving as our representative?

The great news is that Kim Healy is all of these things. She’s also a mother of four, dedicated to improving both the environment (she served on the Conservation Commission) and our quality of life, and a staunch advocate for improving educational outcomes in both towns like Wilton as well as those with lower achievement levels today. Kim would be a great champion for our town, pushing to keep and expand local decision-making, knowing that local autonomy helped create the Wilton we have today, the place all of us have chosen to call home. I hope everyone reading this will join me in voting for Kim Healy!

Jake Lubel

CT Examiner

Dear voters,

I’m excited to share my strong support for Kim Healy as our next state representative. Kim has proven her commitment to Wilton time and again, serving on the Wilton Board of Selectmen and receiving the highest number of votes for a contested seat in 2021.

Kim’s dedication to our community is clear. She’s an experienced CPA, and her extensive involvement in nonprofit organizations shows her passion for making a positive impact. Kim’s recent work on the CT Reading Leadership Implementation Council highlights her advocacy for educational reforms that will protect our children’s future and ensure resources are used wisely.

Kim understands the challenges facing families today. As the daughter of a retired police officer and nurse, she knows firsthand the difficulties of fixed incomes and navigating the health care system. She and her husband, an Irish immigrant, have raised four children, two of whom are in college, so she’s also familiar with the rising costs of education.

Kim’s integrity, experience, and passion for responsible government make her the best choice for our community. I will vote for Kim Healy and strongly encourage you to do the same this November.

Hella McSweeney, Wilton


Since 2021, Kim has represented us on the Wilton Board of Selectmen. In her position, Kim spends her time working to ensure responsible municipal spending, preserving town assets, and increasing public awareness and participation in town government – all qualities and initiatives we need in our state representative!

She is a devoted member of our community, a mother, a homeowner, and a person who cares deeply about Wilton and CT. Kim will bring a level head, a strong character, and a solid financial background to the 42nd District Seat. She will undoubtedly champion efforts to correct the negative path that CT is currently on, while protecting the very qualities that make Wilton and CT such a desirable place to live.

I consider Kim a friend and as a result know she truly cares for this community. She is willing and eager to listen and support the correct ideas for the 42nd District, no matter your party affiliation. If you have a question for her, ask her! She is not one of those politicians who hides behind slander and misinformation. She looks forward to hearing about what is important to the people in the 42nd district.

I hope you will join me in voting for Kim Healy as the best choice for the 42nd District seat.

Tracy Scarfi

New Canaanite

With a Big Four accounting background, proven local leadership including Wilton’s Board of Selectmen and years of community and volunteer service, I enthusiastically support Kim Healey for State Representative. She is a proven problem solver who would work on our behalf in a bi-partisan manner and has been endorsed by the state’s Independent Party. Additionally, she is the only candidate with relevant experience and a long history of serving numerous local organizations. Kim has the right skill set to help the community and the state in the important areas of education, economics, housing, safety and the environment.

We need Kim in Hartford and I urge you to join me in voting for her.

Jon Savas

The Wilton Bulletin

I am writing in support of Kim Healy for state representative for the 42nd District. Kim is a highly intelligent and capable woman who is truly dedicated to her community. This is evident given her extensive volunteer background. She has remained dedicated to representing our interests while serving on the Board of Selectmen and there is no one I trust more to represent our voice as a community in Hartford. She understands the importance of public participation in and public awareness of the political process.

Further, Kim advocates for forward-thinking zoning reform, which we so desperately need. Hartford has pursued unrealistic and idealized housing bills for too long and we are suffering as a result. We are in desperate need of a solution to the affordable housing problem that does not sacrifice our town’s autonomy with respect to planning and zoning. I trust that Kim will bring a collaborative spirit to Hartford and approach zoning reform in a practical way.

Kim has served us well on the Board of Selectmen, and now it is time for her to serve us as state representative.

Jill Warren, Wilton

The Hour

Kim Healy is not just a longtime friend but someone who exemplifies genuine care and commitment to the community of Wilton. Over the years, her dedication to the town has been evident through her sincere efforts to contribute to its well-being. As someone who deeply values relationships, Kim's warmth and generosity are constants in both her personal and public life. Her passion for Wilton shines through, and it’s clear that her efforts stem from a heartfelt desire to see the town thrive.

Her personal investment in the community reflects her character — a person who takes the time to understand the needs of those around her and acts with integrity and empathy. Whether engaging with local issues or offering support to friends, Kim's authenticity and caring nature always stand out.

Annie Chochos, Wilton

The Wilton Bulletin

Kim Healy is the best qualified candidate to represent Wilton for the 42nd District seat. Kim is well-known to us as she is currently serving on Wilton’s Board of Selectmen since November 2021 and is well-acquainted with local issues here in Wilton. Kim would represent our interests well as our representative in Hartford.

Kim is a longtime resident of Wilton and actively involved in the local community, years of serving on the Wilton Library Board, including as treasurer, and for eight years a volunteer tax preparer for AARP.

From her background in public accounting at Price Waterhouse Coopers and as Wilton Library treasurer, she has a keen sense of financial rectitude and accountability that is sorely needed in Connecticut if the state is to prosper again. Sadly, there are too few representatives in Hartford that feel or act the same way.

With Kim serving on Wilton’s highest board with distinction and having significant experience volunteering her time with various nonprofit organizations,  she certainly comes out ahead of her opponent on every category of importance.

Kim Healy is our best choice for the 42nd  District seat representing Wilton.


Jeffrey Rutishauser, Wilton

I am writing to express my strong support for Kim Healy in her
candidacy for State Representative in Connecticut. Kim is a
dedicated and compassionate leader who truly understands the
needs of our community. Her commitment to ensuring that
parents and the Board of Education have a powerful voice in
shaping the future of our children is inspiring. She knows how
crucial it is for families to have a say in decisions that affect

Equally, Kim’s unwavering stance on protecting reproductive
freedom and a woman’s right to choose demonstrates her belief
in personal autonomy and equality for all. She is a fierce
advocate for women and will continue to stand up for their
One of Kim’s greatest strengths is her ability to connect with
people from all walks of life. She is amiable, approachable, and
works tirelessly to bridge divides, regardless of race, gender, or
political affiliation. Her emphasis on fiscal responsibility shows
her deep care for Connecticut’s future, striving for communities
to prosper and businesses to flourish.

Kim Healy is the leader we need — someone who listens, acts
with integrity, and is committed to making Connecticut a better
place for everyone.
Yours faithfully,
Mohammed A. Ayoub

Kim Healy has demonstrated her ability to listen, learn and lead
in her role as a Wilton Selectwoman. In that role, she has
always promoted effective policies with civility, not political
divisiveness. In that role, she has gained the local experience to
effectively represent Wilton’s local concerns in Hartford. As
1. Kim supports legislation that retains local decision-making
for our schools.
2. Kim will take an approach to meaningful zoning reform
that respects the importance of local decision-making.

3. 3) Kim understands the need to update state laws to provide
practical collaborative solutions to housing affordability.
4. 4) Kim will restrain state spending by maintaining the
current fiscal guardrails.

Kim will also promote a pro-growth economy, which includes the
reduction of unnecessary regulations and smarter, accountable
government spending. She will advocate for smart, economically
responsible initiatives to support robust and healthy
environment and the need for sustainability. On some of the
bigger issues Kim will support and defend CT women’s
reproductive freedom and push to eliminate CT income tax on
social security payments.
In summary, if you look at her position on the issues, Kim should
be Wilton’s choice for state rep. She is my choice.

Warren Serenbetz

I am writing to support Kim Healy for State Representative for
the 42nd District. Kim has demonstrated her collaborative and
bipartisan approach to government during her time on
the Wilton Board of Selectmen. Kim has worked to ensure
responsible municipal spending while still meeting the needs of
the town and residents of Wilton.

Outside of the Board of Selectmen Kim has also been on
the Reading Leadership Implementation Council since 2022.
On this council Kim has been vocal in her opposition to the State
Department of Education’s one size fits all approach to the
implementation of this law. Kim wants to ensure that parents
and boards of education have a strong voice in state policy
In Hartford, Kim will be a voice for appropriate government
spending and maintain the current fiscal guardrails as well as be
an advocate for small business. Kim will also advocate to
eliminate state income tax on social security payments which
will help our senior citizens manage the cost increases we’ve
seen over the last several years of high inflation.

Kim will push for a forward-thinking approach to zoning reform
at the state level recognizing the importance of local decision

Please join me in supporting Kim for State Representative for the
42nd District.

Jason Terry